Bouquet Portrait With Vows
Preserve the beauty of a wedding bouquet along with the most important element of any wedding: the vows a couple makes to each other in a unique way!
High Detail bouquet portraits are my signature style: first hand drawn with Micron permanent ink, then painted in with watercolor.
Loose Detail bouquet portraits feature watercolor only, and have a more organic feel.
Portraits are hand drawn and painted using professional cold press watercolor paper watercolors.
Choose the style based on personal preference or budget.
Michelle will email you to gather information regarding the vows, which will be digitally added to the bouquet portrait and then printed locally on high quality Arches paper.
Preserve the beauty of a wedding bouquet along with the most important element of any wedding: the vows a couple makes to each other in a unique way!
High Detail bouquet portraits are my signature style: first hand drawn with Micron permanent ink, then painted in with watercolor.
Loose Detail bouquet portraits feature watercolor only, and have a more organic feel.
Portraits are hand drawn and painted using professional cold press watercolor paper watercolors.
Choose the style based on personal preference or budget.
Michelle will email you to gather information regarding the vows, which will be digitally added to the bouquet portrait and then printed locally on high quality Arches paper.
Preserve the beauty of a wedding bouquet along with the most important element of any wedding: the vows a couple makes to each other in a unique way!
High Detail bouquet portraits are my signature style: first hand drawn with Micron permanent ink, then painted in with watercolor.
Loose Detail bouquet portraits feature watercolor only, and have a more organic feel.
Portraits are hand drawn and painted using professional cold press watercolor paper watercolors.
Choose the style based on personal preference or budget.
Michelle will email you to gather information regarding the vows, which will be digitally added to the bouquet portrait and then printed locally on high quality Arches paper.
After completing your purchase, you will be prompted to submit reference photos via a Google link.
Please include high quality images that show the subject in the position you’d like the portrait to represent.
If you need help choosing, send me as many as you’d like.